Link Roundup: Nostalgic Novelists, Radical Experiments, and More
These links have been sitting in my inbox, waiting to be read. Here I’ve gathered them to share with you for any airport delays, boring work days, or beach browsing:
Orly Genger, detail from Punch Pit. 2017, gouache and watercolor on paper. 6' × 10’. Photo by: Photo315.
Gospels of Giving for the New Gilded Age: Are today’s donor classes solving problems—or creating new ones? [The New Yorker]
Better Living through Podcasts [The New Yorker]
Editor’s Letter August 2018: Work in Progress [Rookie Mag]
The Dwarf, the Prince, and the Diamond in the Mountain: An unlikely fable, in which Birkenstocks become cool and double sales overnight. [The Cut]
How I Get It Done: Gloria Steinem [The Cut]
Inside a Radical Experiment to Transform the Lives of Incarcerated Women [Glamour]
It’s Not Technology That’s Disrupting Our Jobs: The insecure nature of work is a result of decisions by corporations and policymakers. [The New York Times]
The New Reading Environment: Each this is not to say or in other words a dull sword wielded against willful misunderstanding [n+1]
Gentrified Fiction: Brooklyn’s recent crop of nostalgic novelists [n+1]
No Innocent Dance: The Casual Imperialism Of The American Tourist [Bitch Media]