How to Practice Meditation & Yoga

How to Practice Meditation & Yoga


Just start now

You don’t need to prepare in any way or buy anything. Just sit down and let’s get started. You can quit whenever you want; even one minute of practice is a success!


You aren’t doing it wrong

It’s a cliche because it’s true: If you can breathe, you can do yoga (or meditate). Start by closing your eyes and breathing, paying attention to the breath. There, you’re meditating! Inhale and reach your arms up overhead into a cozy stretch. There, you’re doing yoga!

A small effort daily > a big effort once in a while

The best thing you can do is meditate and/or do yoga daily, even if it’s only for 5 minutes (or one minute! Really!). The daily routine is the most important aspect of the practice. If you miss a day, that’s fine; but my personal rule is no more than one missed day at a time; AKA, don’t ever miss two days in a row, if you can help it.


Use what you have

It’s awesome to have a yoga mat and proper blocks, etc. (All my recommendations for clothing/equipment are compiled here.) However, it is not necessary. You can practice yoga & meditation anywhere, anytime, and with nothing. Make do with what you have in terms of space and tools. Use blankets, pillows, rugs, books (in lieu of blocks), belts (in lieu of straps), etc. Anything goes! If you find you really need something, consider buying it. is a good place to look in the U.S. I have compiled all my favorite yoga/meditation items here.

Pay attention to your senses

Your surroundings impact your experience. Most things are out of our control but pay attention to how you’re creating space for yourself. Make it personal. Even if you are home, being closer to nature is ideal (by the window, on a balcony, in the yard, inside surrounded by plants or animals). All of the following suggestions could also conversely be to remove things/make space that is as free as possible of sight/smell/sound/taste/touch.


Surround yourself with things that comfort or inspire you: art, photographs, plants, objects.


Use perfume, essential oils, a diffuser, candles.


Choose and enjoy music or mantra in the background. Use instruments such as bowls or bells.


Bring a cup of tea to your yoga mat or spritz a tincture under your tongue. Brush your teeth or have a mint if a taste in your mouth is distracting.


Choose clothes that you like the look and feel of. They should be comfortable and fit well. Notice the surfaces around and under you: a mat, the floor, a rug, grass. Keep your skin clean and moisturized, and your hands and feet dry.



This is a list of resources that I’m choosing to share with you because I think are high-quality, helpful, and suitable for all levels. Of course, this list reflects my own perspective, taste, and style, so please think of it a buffet: Pick and choose what works well for you; discard what does not.


I personally do not find apps to be helpful for yoga. If there’s one you love, please let me know! For meditation, I’ve tried quite a few, but my favorite by far is Insight Timer; I’ve been using it since 2014.


  1. Journey into Power: How to Sculpt Your Ideal Body, Free Your True Self, and Transform Your Life with Yoga

  2. Meditate Your Weight: Your 21-Day Retreat to Shed Pounds, Feel Great, and Lighten Up

  3. Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands

  4. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

  5. The Mind Illuminated: A Complete Meditation Guide Integrating Buddhist Wisdom and Brain Science

  6. Strala Yoga: Be Strong, Focused & Ridiculously Happy from the Inside Out

  7. Yin Yoga: Principles and Practice


  • Lakshmi Lullabies (album by Noelani Love)

  • Of course, I like my own playlists best 😊 They’re each thoughtfully compiled into the perfect order for a relaxed beginning and end, with a crescendo in the middle.

  1. April Vibes

  2. August Vibes

  3. December Vibes

  4. February Vibes

  5. January Vibes

  6. June Vibes

  7. New Year, New Yoga

  8. Mandala Meditation & Asana

  9. March Vibes

  10. May Vibes

  11. November Vibes

  12. October Vibes

  13. Restorative Yoga

  14. Strala

  15. Strala Strong

  16. Savasana

  17. September Vibes

  18. Shakti Flow

  19. Workout

  20. Yin & Restorative: Chakras

  21. Yoga for the Core

YouTube Channels

  1. Kino Yoga

  2. Mine, of course 😊

  3. Strala Yoga